Anyways, Jake and I have a new member in our family. Her name is Lola and she is an adorable 4 month old bunny!!
Lately I have really been wanting something snuggle with. I know I'm just wanting it because I can't have that with the baby yet, but that feeling just doesn't go away. Every time I go over to my mom's house, I'm always, ALWAYS cuddling her kittens. But Jake is pretty against cats, which I understand. I've had some "not-so-awesome" experiences with cats, so his hesitation was justified when I mentioned getting one.
Anyways, last night we went on a double date with Jake's cousin, Brandon, and his wife, Stephanie. While we were eating dinner at "El Gallo Giro", Stephanie mentioned how she has a lot of bunnies that she needs good homes for. I turned to Jake (half expecting a "no..."), and I said "can we get one?". He gave me a look that said "I'm not so sure...". So, I followed up with "Cat or Rabbit. What will it be?". He quickly said "RABBIT!". Haha!
So after our date we went to their house and picked her up and brought her home. And we love her! :)
We are working on house training her and making her an "inside bunny", which is totally doable, I'm not crazy. Stephanie is kind of a bunny-phenom-expert, so she's been giving me some really good tips.
Be sure to check Friday or Saturday for when we find out the sex of the baby!!
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