It's been a few weeks since I've posted a belly pic, so, here you go!
I believe this was 22 weeks. I'm 24 weeks right now.
Anyways, now that things are more visual, things are feeling more and more real for Jake. Anytime Caige starts kicking and wiggling around, I try to have Jake feel it. Every time he feels him, the look on his face is priceless. He is definitely a proud daddy, and can't wait to meet his little man (I can't wait either!)
(And at this exact moment, Caige is thrashing around, so I'm sure he is just as excited too!)
There have been a few cute moments I definitely need to make note of. They were conversations that took place between Jake and I, so I will narrate for you.
A few weeks ago, Jake and I were at the Knitting Factory for "Art in the Bar", and art show he was invited to participate in, that was a lot of fun and very intriguing. I stayed with Jake for the majority of the time because he had to stay with his display, and I wanted to keep him company. At one point, I started to get hungry so I decided to walk to Pie Hole. It was about 8:30 at night, but I felt comfortable walking by myself.
Jake (grabs my belly and says:) "Keep my baby safe!"
Me: "I will! Don't worry!"
Jake: "...I was talking to Caige..."
(Cute, huh?)
Cute Moment Number 2:
I was laying on the couch because I wasn't feeling great. Jake was carrying the rest of the groceries in from the car. He came over, knelt by the couch, laid his head on my stomach and said:
"I love this so much. I don't care if someday he hates me at one point, I still love him so much."
(That one made me cry a little. Happy tears anyways!)