Saturday, January 28, 2012

39 Weeks...Baby, where are you?

I seriously suck at keeping up with this blog, and I know it's going to be harder once Baby Caige is actually here, but here's a little update on what's been happening lately!

I'm officially 39 weeks now. My doctor said we are doing great, and then brought up to topic of possibly being induced because I have about a week until my due date. Naturally, I'm a little bummed out because I was hoping to experience the whole "middle of the night" scenario of waking up Jake in excitement yelling "it's time!". Granted, we still have time for that to happen, but at this rate, I don't want to get my hopes up.

(Sorry if this gets a little too detailed...or graphic).

My doctor stretched out my cervix on Friday an extra 1/2 centimeter. I was still at 1 1/2 cm dilated at the appointment, and she asked if I still wanted my membrane stripped, which just basically means that she stretched out the cervix, and separated the bags of fluid in my uterus. She said with this, there is a high possibility I could go into labor within the next 48 hours, or it will just give me more contractions throughout the next week. So far, just contractions. But we will see what happens.

This next week I am trying my hardest to just relax, and enjoy my time. Which everyone and their mom has told me to enjoy these last few days, but quite honestly, I hate hearing that. Yes, I know the last month of pregnancy sucks, and you get to the point of being impatient. Yes, I'm impatient, and so is Jake.

Speaking of Jake, he has been so wonderful these last few weeks. Actually, he's been great through this whole thing, but lately he's been so understanding and helpful with everything. As many of you know, I absolutely hate asking for help. But of course, for my safety and for Caige's as well, I've had to ask him for loads of help. Everything from carrying laundry for me up and down the stairs, to tying my shoes for me. And he can even sense at night when I'm in pain ( because I've had quite a bit of back pain lately), he'll reach over, in the middle of the night, and give me a back rub, enough to relax me and help me fall back asleep. I honestly have no idea what I would do without him. He makes everything so much easier to deal with, and he makes it worth suffering through. My pregnancy hasn't been too hard, but when you're constantly tired and dealing with sore muscles and swollen feet, hormones all imbalanced, everything seems to be worse than it is. Which I know I've blown quite a few things out of proportion, but hey. Can you blame me?


I am proud to say, that I have officially finished my first course of college. And what a pain that was. I passed my class with an 85%, which I know I could have done better, but being pregnant and completely mindless, I'll take the 'B'.

That's all for now. Hopefully the next thing I post is an announcement of our little boy finally coming out of hiding! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing so great. I love reading your blog (when you write it) and I can't wait to see baby pictures.
