I've always been that person who has never really done extraordinary. I've just kind of flowed through like doing my thing, not really standing out but not really fitting in either. I've never been one to have big dreams or aspirations, I've been content with things the way they are.
Well, that is all about to change.
These last four months I have been pretty dedicated to nutrition and fitness. I've been seeing and experiencing some pretty killer results thus far. I decided at the beginning of the year I was wanting to compete in a figure competition in the winter or spring of 2016.
Today, I changed my mind and decided to shoot for September 2015.
I posted on Facebook about my decision to pick this date. I was stoked on life! Once I pressed "POST", I nearly shit a brick. This is a HUGE commitment. And I just let everyone know about it. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!
Immediately I started having doubts. What if I'm not ready in time? What if I fail? What if I'm not good enough? What if? What if? WHAT IF?
I finally got my head on straight after talking to a few close friends and my mom (who are all SO excited for me). I got this! I'm shooting for the stars, but I'm already half way there! Plus, I've got a solid 6 months (24 weeks) until the competition to get my nutrition and workout routines nailed down so I don't have to rush things. I've got such a great momentum going right now, and I just have to roll with it!
I have such HUGE support system right now and I am so grateful for everyone who believes in me!
For the next 12 weeks I am going to focus on cutting my body fat and leaning out to see what areas I need to focus on more for the following 12 weeks after that.
I barely have an idea of what I am getting myself into, but I can't wait!!
This photo was taken last week (3/3/15), I'll add more progress photos as I go on.
(Ignore my no make-up, just out of the shower look...)
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