Friday, July 15, 2011

Oh Pregnancy, such a blissful, yet exhausting journey.

So far, my pregnancy has been pretty "textbook" I guess you can say. (Sorry if this get's a little personal, but it's natural, so bear with me). I am only 11 weeks along now, so it's still super early and there is plenty of time for other symptoms to show up, but I've got the standard one's down perfectly, all with the exception of morning sickness. I have had NONE whatsoever and it has been WONDERFUL. But I've had many others to make up for that!

Extreme Fatigue - and by extreme, I mean wanting to literally sleep for days. And to the point where I've considered calling in sick at work just so I can nap longer. I've gotten some of my energy back luckily, but I still don't ever feel quite refreshed after a good night's sleep. I asked my mom when the exhaustion goes away. She said when the kids move out. Thanks for the reassurance, Mom.

Missed Periods - This is kind of a no brainer, and I have never been happier to miss that little monthly annoyance. I don't have to worry about buying "feminine products" anymore (well, at least for the next 7 months or so). Or worrying about staining clothes. Such a relief to say the least. It's nice to have a break since I haven't had one in oh, 9 years!

Sore/Tender Breasts - Oh yeah, this has been a big one. (Sorry guys, I know you really don't want to hear this, but I have no shame, so I don't care. Just skip this part if you will...) The first few weeks were AWFUL. It hurt to basically WEAR clothing. All of my bras felt like they were squishing the poor things and it felt as if someone has tenderized them with a meat hammer. And oddly enough, the only comfortable position I could sleep was face down with my arms above my head. Gravity was my worst enemy to say the least. It's gotten a lot better, but still tender as the milk ducts are developing. Oh, and yes, they grow. That's the most painful part.

Cravings - Oh my goodness. Cravings galore. I haven't craved things that are physically harmful to me (IE: dirt, laundry detergent, paint [I have heard of these instances!]) But I almost have a new craving everyday. Everyone knows before that I found out I was pregnant, I was training for a figure competition, so I was really limiting my calorie intake (probably sticking around 1,100/day or so) and working out about 2 1/2 hours/day. I think the seamonkey is trying to make up for all the crap food I hadn't eaten in so long, because now all I want is unhealthy, greasy, cheesy, carb-loaded food. Which is very unfortunate because I WANT to eat healthy. For the first few weeks I tried, and anytime I'd try to make a salad, I'd feel sick to my stomach, so it didn't work out so well. For the first few weeks it's been tomatoes and salt and vinegar chips. But lately it's pretty much just been fluids. I've been almost constantly thirsty (which sucks because I already pee all the dang time anyways!). But whatever I'd drinking has to be ICE COLD. Ice cold water, milk, orange juice, anything. Just as long as it was cold enough to give me a brain freeze.

Today has been my Orange Juice day. I've finished the mostly empty bottle and another one already. The full one is almost gone now as I am writing this.

I do get random cravings. Sweet potato fries with honey mustard dipipng sauce (specifically from The Curb), anything covered in cheese, sour cream, potatoes and the list goes on and on. Luckily, I have a super awesome boyfriend who will text me before I get off work, ask me what I'm craving, and try to fit that in to dinner somehow. Or if he has the day off, he'll want to come see me at work, and bring me a snack or whatever I'm craving at the time. (He's so good like that :)

Morning Sickness - Like I stated earlier, I haven't had any morning sickness. The day before I found out I was pregnant was the closest to "throwing up" as I had gotten. But I had a one hour workout with my trainer, a 90 minute high-intensity cardio session before that, and sat in the steam room for about 15 minutes. I felt super nauseated (probably because I hadn't eaten a good balanced meal yet, only a protein shake). I've felt a little quesy at times, but if I eat something, generally I'm ok afterwards.

A few other minor symptoms...

Dizzy Spells - At times, the room starts spinning. No big deal.

Shortness of Breath - Doesn't take much. Just a trip up the stairs. I'm in much better shape than that!

Forgetfulness - ITS TRUE. Due to a lack of bloodflow to the brain because your body is focused on other things.

Bloating - I always feel bloated! But that's because your digestion slows way doesn and food takes longer to process when pregnant.

Ok, that's about it now. I'll leave you with my latest belly pic!

10 weeks

And by the way...

I could be up to a month further along than we think. The month of April had a total of 3 periods (all super sketchy and light), but I didn't think anything of it, just thought it was a birth control fluke (which I had never had). I should hear back from Medicaid soon and be able to get an exact due date when I see my doctor. But as of right now, it's February 5th, 2012.

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