Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First Time for Everything

Sunday evening, Jake and I were laying in bed, watching football, and I decided to initiate a game. I like to call it "Wake Up the Baby". It's not one you play after a child is born, but rather when it is still in the womb. Up to this point I haven't felt any real "kicks" yet. I've felt fluttery movement, but nothing that Jake would be able to feel.

I propped my  back up with my pillow and start massaging my belly in different places, hoping I can generate some movement that Jake could feel. For a few minutes, nothing. I wasn't really expecting anything just yet, but was hoping because I'm far enough along to feel kicks.

AND THEN kicks!

I started freaking out and grabbed Jake's hand. It kicked a few more times, but they were so subtle, he couldn't feel them. I pressed his hand a little harder into my belly and he felt it! The look on his face was priceless. I could see that it was all the more real for him, and it also was for myself.

Ever since then, I've felt nothing BUT kicks. It's pretty constant. It's the first thing I feel when I wake up and the last thing I feel when I fall asleep. And you can even see them too! It's a subtle pulse, but it's a big deal.

One funny thing is, at times when I'm feeling discouraged or stressed, the baby starts kicking a lot, almost as if to say "It's all going to be ok, mom. Don't worry."

It's all going to be ok.


  1. Aw, April :) what a sweet story. I'm so happy for you two. Also, can not wait to find out if its a boy or girl. I'm still thinking boy.

  2. :) Glad you both got to really feel it!! :) Excited for you. Just 2 days!
