Friday, October 3, 2014


CHANGE / verb (used without object)changed, changing.
to become different.

Change is something we can’t always control. I actually like change more so than not. Obviously depending on the circumstance will determine how exactly I embrace the change, but sometimes it can lead to something exciting. Whether that “excitement” comes short term or long term, you always have to look at the bigger picture.
There are a few changes happening in the Smith household. All for the better, all exciting in their own way.

Baby V is not so much of a “baby” anymore. The last few weeks he has been walking like crazy. I love the little “baby step stomps” as the try to maneuver around. And trying to watch him balance his oversized noggin is quite entertaining.
ALSO: V turns ONE in a month. WHERE DID THIS YEAR GO? (Insert crying emoticon face)

Caige is talking like crazy. He currently loves apples, cookies, and anything dinosaurs. He knows his ABC’s, colors, shapes, and numbers 1-10. Potty training is still a battle (go figure). And this little stink is going to be THREE in February. WOAH.

Jake just started a new job! He is currently working at the sugar beet factory. It’s an insane schedule right now, working upwards of 4 – 12 hour shifts, rotating from days to nights. It’s going to be hell until February, but it will be worth it in the long run. My dad has worked for this company for the last 10 years, and I have no doubts this change will be for the better.

As for myself, I have a bit of a job change as well! I’ve been with a property management company for almost the last three years. I started off as a Showing Agent, showing our available rentals and what not, and then while I was pregnant with V, I was transferred into the Leasing department, where I processed tenancy applications and signed leases. As of October 1st, I am now a part of the Maintenance Team as a Maintenance Coordinator. It’s definitely different from everything I have done before, but it’s a good change, and it keeps me learning all the different aspects of my job.  

The biggest change for our family recently has probably been my parents and some of my siblings decision to re-join the LDS church. This has been kind of a sensitive subject for me. It is a decision that they made based on what they believe is best for them. I am supportive of their decision, but I will not be joining them. I’ve been there and I know that it is not for me. My beliefs are my own, but I have no desire or need to participate in organized religion, which I firmly do not believe in.
Religion is such a touchy subject with just about everyone. Where I am at in my life, I do not know about a lot of things, and I probably won’t. Call me ignorant, but I am not going to actively pursue trying to “know” when there is no physical evidence of such, and I am completely content with not knowing. I don’t have to know, and that’s okay! But I can’t live blindly on faith. Kudos to those who can, I applaud you. But after having my own experiences, I can’t and won’t do it. I’ve invested time and energy into faith in the past, and now I and devoting that time and energy into my family and into just finding my own happiness.
I’m sure there are people who were hoping I would be there right along with my parents, getting re-baptized and becoming a member again.  I’m not sorry to say that it’s not going to happen, and I don’t anticipate that it ever will. I’m sorry those people feel disappointed, but I’m not sorry for my decision. It’s hard to not sound stubborn and say “and that’s the way it’s going to be” or “it’s my choice, and that’s that”, but that’s exactly how it is.

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